Once upon a time, I turned to my husband, Michael, and said:
I want to write
about America.

And so I did.
AMERICA: The Blog was "born" in September 2020 and has received 4.8 million views from patriots worldwide. People who want their God-given right of Freedom and look to us Americans and Donald Trump to lead the way.
Together we explore the story-behind-the-"official"-story of the news of the day, learn the real history of America's founding, encourage each other during these frustrating times and, hopefully, have a few laughs as well.
We hold the line for truth, justice and the American way and support President Donald Trump's epic journey in restoring America to her former glory as envisioned and written by the Founding Fathers as he wins every presidential election he enters.
Thank you for stopping by! Please subscribe, visit AMERICA: The Blog and my conservative news aggregator webpage, follow me on social media and share, share, share with your friends and family!
Oh! And check out my new blog as well: Philosophizing by Lenora.
God bless you and God bless these wonderful United States of America! #trumptriumphant #gloriousandfree
AMERICA: The Blog was "born" in September 2020 and has received 4.8 million views from patriots worldwide. People who want their God-given right of Freedom and look to us Americans and Donald Trump to lead the way.
Together we explore the story-behind-the-"official"-story of the news of the day, learn the real history of America's founding, encourage each other during these frustrating times and, hopefully, have a few laughs as well.
We hold the line for truth, justice and the American way and support President Donald Trump's epic journey in restoring America to her former glory as envisioned and written by the Founding Fathers as he wins every presidential election he enters.
Thank you for stopping by! Please subscribe, visit AMERICA: The Blog and my conservative news aggregator webpage, follow me on social media and share, share, share with your friends and family!
Oh! And check out my new blog as well: Philosophizing by Lenora.
God bless you and God bless these wonderful United States of America! #trumptriumphant #gloriousandfree
100% Reader Supported.
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Please bookmark: https://americatheblog.com
It's my back-up website...just in case! |